
viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

el origen de halloween

                                                    EN ESPAÑOL

Halloween (contracción de All Hallows' Eve, 'Víspera de Todos los Santos'), también conocido como Noche de Brujas o Noche de Difuntos, es una fiesta de origen celta que se celebra principalmente en los Estados Unidos, Canadá, Irlanda, el Reino Unido y en países no anglosajones como México y Colombia en la noche del 31 de octubre. Tiene origen en la festividad celta del Samhain y la festividad cristiana del Día de Todos los Santos. En gran parte, es una celebración secular aunque algunos consideran que posee un trasfondo religioso. Los inmigrantes irlandeses transmitieron versiones de la tradición a América del Norte durante la Gran hambruna irlandesa de 1840.

                                                         EN INGLES

Halloween (contraction of All Hallows' Eve, 'All Saints Eve'), also known as Halloween or Night of the Dead, is a celebration of Celtic origin celebrated primarily in the United States, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom and in Anglo-Saxon countries such as Mexico and Colombia on the night of October 31. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holiday All Saints' Day. In large part, is a secular celebration but some believe it has a religious background. Irish immigrants passed versions of the tradition to North America during the Great Irish Famine of 1840.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

task 5


INSTRUCTIONS: Find information about Málaga harbour and Aula del Mar. Use photos and write the information on your blog.
                                         EL PUERTO:
 This is an eminently port importer, where we highlight the bulk of clinker, grain, cement and petroleum coke as the main products downloaded, and dolomite and olive oil as the main goods exported. Other traditional traffic at the Port of Málaga, and no less important, are the coastal freight and passenger vehicles that move the liner with Ceuta and Melilla.
                                                AULA DEL MAR :
Aula del Mar has gathered all the many times, discussing problems and finding solutions on issues of interest in the marine environment in general or, as coastal pollution, depletion of our fisheries resources

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

task 4

My favourite Film

1. Decide which film you want to tell about.

I want to tell about  Los Juegos del Hambre
2. Write a summary of the story in your own words.
 The movie is about 12 adolescents in two groups and have to get matr to another for them to get food and not die and the survivor is the winner

3. Add a video of the trailer or some photos to illustrate it.

task 3


    Name:                        Age:               Nationality:            Other information:

Sung Chun
Dayanne Leal                                                           she likes       AntonioBanderas
Jonathan  Najman                                  Guatemala      he is a computer enginner
Agnes Tounkara
Brad Fotsch
Colum Docherty           18                    Scotland           he is a student

Hanna  Lee                  20                     New York         she is a student

Kevin                                                                                 he likes Angelina Jolie
Woo  Sung                                                                          he likes Julia Roberts

task one


1. Watch the video entitled 'First Day of High School' in the video section on the Main Page or click on the title.

2. What differences can you find when you compare the school in the video with our own school.
3. Write a text following the model below:
    In the American school, students can/do, etc,
    In our school students .the corridors are bigger in my school are not a cheerleading team .
    The American school has ..has the corridors very big and old the studients are crazy. 
4. Copy the video on your blog. Paste the text on your blog.

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

The American school

In the American school I see that the corridors are bigger everybody knows,

there is a no cheerlading team or a baskteboll court inside the institute olso the

facilites are different ,I see in the vidio that the estudients are very crazy and oll

are very toll.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012


Hello I am  Andrea Morales .I live on the stree pedro de valdivia.I am eleven

years old.I live with my father my mather and mi sister and brother .My favorite

sport is dance.My favorite program on the TV is la que se avecina.I dont have

hobby .My favorite school subject es lengish